Friday 19 July 2013

EU red tape burden on local businesses

MP Calls Local Business to make EU red tape burden known to Government
Fiona Bruce MP is asking businesses across the Constituency to contribute to a call for evidence from the Government for concrete examples of EU rules and regulations which pose unnecessary barriers to their businesses.

At a recent meeting which the MP arranged for constituent’s in business with Sajjad Karim MEP this issue came across loud and clear as one of major concern to local businesses.
Yesterday in the House of Commons Fiona Bruce raised this issue with the Minister of State for Business, Innovation and Skills, Michael Fallon, who in response urged businesses to provide examples of evidence of red tape to a task force which he and the Prime Minister have set up to tackle this burden on British business.
The Commons exchange was as follows:
Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con): Small businesses in Congleton and across the country struggle with the burden of regulations from Brussels. Will my right hon. Friend update the House on the work of the business-led taskforce on EU regulation, which he is chairing?
Michael Fallon: Yes, the Prime Minister and I met the taskforce last week, and I will be meeting it again tomorrow. We have issued a call for evidence, which gives companies large and small the opportunity to provide us with concrete examples of European rules and regulations, including new proposals, that pose unnecessary barriers to the growth of British businesses and need reform. I encourage all hon. Members to ask businesses in their constituencies to submit examples and evidence to the taskforce.
Business people in the Congleton Constituency can make their views known to the taskforce by contacting