Friday 22 March 2013

Middlewich Rail Link Petition Presentation

Full steam ahead for railway campaign as Fiona Bruce MP presents petition to re-open Middlewich Railway in House of Commons

Fiona Bruce MP presented a petition of more than 2000 signatures to the Deputy Speaker of the House of Commons in proceedings in the Chamber of the House of Commons on Tuesday asking for the Sandbach to Northwich branch line of the railway to be re-opened to passengers.
Speaking when presenting the petition Fiona Bruce said, as recorded in Hansard the official recording of all proceedings at Parliament:
“I rise to present a petition from the Middlewich rail link campaign, supported by more than 2,000 residents from people in the towns of Middlewich and Sandbach in my constituency and from Northwich, in the constituency represented by my hon. Friend the Member for Weaver Vale (Graham Evans), who is in the Chamber and also supports the petition. The petition asks for the reopening of the Sandbach to Northwich branch line and the reintroduction of passenger services at Middlewich station along the line.
The humble petition of the Middlewich rail link campaign and its supporters says:
The Petition of residents of Middlewich and the surrounding area declares that the Petitioners call for and fully support the reopening of the Sandbach to Northwich branch line to passenger traffic and the vital reopening of Middlewich railway station.
The Petitioners therefore request that the House of Commons urge the Department for Transport to consider the reopening of the Sandbach to Northwich branch line to passenger traffic and the reopening of Middlewich railway station.”
The campaign, spearheaded by the Middlewich Rail Link Campaign Group, of which Fiona has been a keen supporter since her election, has been on-going for some 20 years and even has celebrity rail enthusiast Pete Waterman as Patron after Fiona invited him to the House of Commons to discuss the scheme.
The campaign also has the support of Edward Timpson MP for Crewe and Nantwich who was also in the Chamber for the petition presentation and George Osborne MP, in his capacity as MP for Tatton.
A full copy of the petition will now be sent to the Department for Transport and the Department is expected to offer observations on the petition.

For more information on the MRLC please visit