Monday 17 December 2012

Fuel Duty

Fiona Bruce MP: Fuel duty cancelled for Congleton Constituency as new car registrations rise


The cancellation of Labour’s fuel duty rise has been put into effect. This follows George Osborne’s announcement last week that the Government would cancel the rise that was planned for January 2013. This keeps fuel over 10p per litre cheaper than it would have been under Labour.
New car registrations released the day after the Autumn Statement showed that there are 11 per cent more motorists who will benefit from this cancellation compared to November last year. 
Fiona Bruce is one of the campaigning group of MPs in Parliament who have energetically fought to keep fuel prices down. She has spoken in Parliament against fuel duty rises and said, this week; “Our last meeting as a group was a few days before the Autumn Statement when we met with the Treasury Minister to urge him not to increase petrol prices and I am very pleased that the Treasury have genuinely listened.”
Fiona Bruce also commented:
“I’m sure people who live and work in my constituency will be pleased that the Chancellor has cancelled Labour’s rise in fuel duty.
“There are 3.6 million motorists in the North West who will benefit – and the cancellation is well timed, with more and more people buying cars in the UK.
“Coupled with the income tax cut, this is a helpful boost for households working hard to make ends meet as well as the many businesses in my constituency for whom fuel is such a major outlay.”