Friday 9 November 2012

Fiona Bruce MP campaigns for local BBC coverage for Cheshire

Fiona Bruce MP campaigns for more local BBC coverage for Cheshire

Fiona Bruce MP met with BBC representatives in Parliament recently in order to discuss the Corporation’s coverage of Cheshire and raise the possibility of a BBC Radio Cheshire.
Following what Fiona has called an ‘extremely constructive meeting’ with David Houldsworth, Controller of BBC English Regions and Mary Picker, Head of Communications for BBC English Regions, Mr Houldsworth said he would take active steps to progress the creation of a BBC Cheshire News Index on the BBC News website which could be live by as early as the end of this year.
Fiona Bruce MP said “A dedicated Cheshire page on the BBC News Index would ensure all the news and the wide range of events across Cheshire will be gathered into one easy to view place –at present there is no such forum on the BBC website, whereas other North West areas such as Lancashire and Merseyside, Cumbria and Greater Manchester all have their own dedicated pages.
This is something which would help Cheshire punch at its weight economically and in terms of communications and marketing – across the North West and well beyond.”
Helen Boaden, Director of BBC News has confirmed that the BBC “is actively looking at the idea of an online Cheshire index and is hoping that any regulatory issues can be resolved as soon as possible. If that is the case it should be possible to launch an index within six months.”