Monday 16 January 2017

Electrical Safety

Fiona Bruce emphasises the need for electrical safety in the colder months


With winter now upon us and colder temperatures forecast, many older people are worried about fuel bills and rely on portable electric heaters and electric blankets to keep warm and cut the costs of heating an entire home. But it can be a risky business.

Electricity causes almost half of all domestic fires – most of which arise from electrical products - with the over 60s at far greater risk from them than any other age group. Almost 40% of deaths from portable heaters were of people aged 80 and over during 2013-2014.  And it’s been estimated that damaged electric blankets are responsible for over 5,000 UK house fires each year.

To get some advice and support in highlighting the need for electrical safety for older people, Fiona Bruce MP visited Electrical Safety First’s drop-in ‘surgery’, which was recently held in Portcullis House, Westminster.

 “As we live longer and tend to remain in properties for longer, regular home safety checks are often forgotten and electrical wiring and appliances tend to be older”, explains Fiona.

 “Electrical Safety First’s campaign highlights how - by taking just a few moments to ensure electrical sockets, wires and cords are in good condition and sockets aren’t overloaded - can make a real difference to the safety of older relatives and friends”.

The Charity has regularly run a series of campaigns to increase awareness of electrical risk but this is the first time it has offered a ‘surgery’ for MPs.

“This winter we have been encouraging friends and family to check in on older people and look around for electrical danger”, adds Robert Jervis-Gibbons, for the charity Electrical Safety First.

The Charity has been calling for a free, five-yearly electrical safety check for all households with one person aged over 75 and statutory, five-yearly checks in all care homes. It has also developed information packs to help keep older people electrically safe this winter, which can be downloaded from

Tuesday 10 January 2017

Fiona Bruce MP arranges School Funding Meeting in Parliament

Fiona Bruce arranges for Headteachers and Council Leader to meet Schools Minister in Parliament on School Funding plans


Following her strong speech in the House of Commons (attached) just before Christmas challenging the Government to rethink the proposed new formula for school funding, Fiona Bruce arranged for a delegation of Headteachers from Congleton, Sandbach and Alsager to speak directly to Schools Minister Nick Gibb MP about the impact of these proposals on local schools.

The meeting was joined by Rachel Bailey, Leader of Cheshire East Council, Jacky Forster, Director of Education at Cheshire East and MPs David Rutley Macclesfield and Antoinette Sandbach Eddisbury.

Fiona Bruce MP saidThe potential impact of these proposals putting schools in my constituency and the wider Cheshire East area at the bottom of the schools funding league table if they go ahead, required immediate challenge to Government to go back to the drawing board and rethink them, which is why I arranged this delegation and why the majority of High School Heads in my constituency travelled to London to the meeting this week with the Schools Minister.”

Fiona continuedThe length of time the Schools Minister gave to the meeting – far longer than usual for a Ministerial meeting – and the manner in which he listened intently and agreed to work further with local Headteachers on essential pupil funding levels, shows that there is a case to answer for reviewing these proposals. The meeting was a constructive start to making a case on behalf of pupils and schools here in the Congleton Constituency and wider Cheshire East area.”

She added “There is a Government consultation about these proposals which I urge local people are urged to contribute to. Visit

The consultation deadline is 22nd March.”



1.    Agreed Statement from the Delegation

2.    Photo of the delegation meeting Schools Minister Nick Gibb in Parliament

3.    Speech by Fiona Bruce MP, House of Commons, 20th December 2016


1.    Agreed Statement


A ten person delegation from Cheshire East comprising MPs, Local Authority, and Headteachers met today (9th January 2017) with the Right Honourable Nick Gibb MP, Minister of State for Schools to discuss the recent proposals from the National Funding Formula.  For historic reasons Cheshire East has been poorly funded as a local authority for a number of years.  After vigorous campaigning both as part of the F40 group (the lowest funded authorities in the country) and as an individual authority,  Cheshire East Headteachers, Council Leaders and MPs hoped that the new national funding formula would finally redress the legacy that had left Cheshire East pupils receiving substantially less funding than the national average. However, the new formula, released to consultation in December 2016, left Cheshire East as the lowest funded authority in the entire country. 

Fiona Bruce MP spoke in the House of Commons in December and highlighted the difficulties that schools in Cheshire East faced as part of the existing poor funding and the truly devastating effect that the new proposed formula would have on the quality of education across all schools in Cheshire East.  Fiona also managed to achieve a very short notice meeting with the Minister of State for Schools to allow him to hear first hand how deeply damaging the proposed new funding plans would be on local education provision.

In attendance at the meeting were Nick Gibb MP; Fiona Bruce MP; David Rutley MP; Antionette Sandbach MP; Rachel Bailey Leader of Cheshire East Local Authority; Jacky Forster Director of Education and 14-19 skills; John Leigh Headteacher at Sandbach High School, David Hermitt Headteacher at Congleton High School, Sarah Burns Headteacher at Sandbach School, Richard Middlebrook Headteacher at Alsager School and Ed O’Neill Headteacher at Eaton Bank Academy.

Rachel Bailey, Leader of the Council says ‘We will work together with our local MP’s and schools to ensure that the Minister is provided with some practical solutions which will protect the current outstanding education and skills offer across Cheshire East.  Our children and young people have a right to at least the same minimum national curriculum offer and opportunities which other similar schools and authorities will have the funding to provide.’

The meeting, at Portcullis House in Westminster, was very focused and productive, providing the Minister of State for Schools with a range of reasoned points.  These included the inequality of the proposed funding, the seriously damaging effect on curriculum provision, the attendant drop in teaching standards, vastly reduced extra curricular opportunities for children and the economic reality of the unsustainable financial viability of schools in Cheshire East. The minister offered a long period of time to discuss and listened intently, a reflection of how seriously he was considering the concerns.  Everyone connected with education in Cheshire East had expected that the fair funding process would rectify the imbalance, not exacerbate it.  Nick Gibb, gave a clear commitment to work with Headteachers, the Local Authority and MPs to explore a number of potential exceptional circumstances that have created an ‘anomaly’ and civil servants have been asked to work with the Local Authority and schools to model the minimum level of funding required to operate schools of different sizes. The Minister was clear that this is a genuine consultation and that there is an opportunity to influence the proposals prior to the consultation closing in March.


Photo shows meeting in Parliament with Schools Minister Nick Gibb MP (centre) and  l to r Richard Middlebrook, Head Alsager School, Fiona Bruce MP Congleton, John Leigh, Head Sandbach High, Antoinette Sandbach MP Eddisbury, Nick Gibb MP, David Hermitt, Head Congleton High, Sarah Burns, Head Sandbach Boys, Ed O’Neill, Head Eaton Bank, Cllr Rachel Bailey Leader of Cheshire East Council; David Rutley MP Macclesfield, Jacky Forster Director of Education and 14-19 skills Cheshire East Council.


2.    Speech by Fiona Bruce MP – 20th December 2016


Fiona Bruce (Congleton) (Con)

I want to speak today about just one issue of great concern, which is how negatively the proposed new national funding formula for schools will impact on schools in my Congleton constituency if it is not revised. It is critical for the children of my constituency that it is.

Prior to the announcement last week, my constituency schools were already among the poorest-funded in the country. We therefore expected a good funding increase. After this announcement, however, headteachers tell me that theirs will be the very worst-funded schools in the country. The most poorly-funded local authority used to be £4,158 per head, but this will now be Cheshire East, at £4,122 per head. Imagine my heads’ consternation last week when they discovered that their funding will not increase, but actually drop. I use the word consternation; they used the word outrage. No wonder that within 48 hours of the announcement no fewer than five headteachers came to my constituency office to express their utter dismay.

A year ago, I took a group of headteachers to meet the former Education Minister, my hon. Friend the Member for East Surrey (Mr Gyimah), to ensure that he heard directly their concerns on the poor funding for Cheshire East schools, and to implore him that the new formula must address them. And this was after a similar meeting in the previous Parliament, when Cheshire East local authority officers met his predecessor for the same purpose. In addition, hundreds of my constituents signed a petition for fairer funding. This issue is far from new, which is why last week’s announcement was so shocking.

My headteachers are asking how Cheshire East has become the most poorly-funded area, after they made such a convincing case to the Minister at their meeting. They thought they had been heard. I, too, find it difficult to understand.

What is particularly concerning is that these are some of highest-performing schools in the country, but there is a point at which their laudable level of achievement cannot be maintained. Only yesterday, the Secretary of State said in this place that she had been able to ensure that underfunded areas would be able to “gain up to 3%” over 2018-19 and 2019-20. My schools are facing exactly the opposite—not a rise of 3%, as the majority of my high schools face a reduction of 2.9%.

Before I relay some of the unpalatable options facing headteachers in my constituency, let me set in context last week’s announcement, because a number of other factors make the funding reductions for my schools far worse. First, the National Audit Office has said that schools face a reduction of 8% in funding in real terms by 2020, due chiefly to unfunded increases in employer costs. That makes the average savings to be found not over 2%, but over 10%. In addition, the reduction in the educational services grant will mean a further hit for academies in my constituency, which means all seven high schools. Even graver, there is still no local plan in Cheshire East, which has led to hundreds of new houses being built without additional funding for the proportionate increase in the number of children attending schools. This effect of so-called “lagging” means that schools are required to educate additional children with no additional funding.

What do headteachers tell me will be the effect of this new formula on their schools? With reference to the primary schools, Martin Casserley, headteacher at Black Firs Primary School, says they will be forced into significant reductions, including reducing support staff to help special educational needs children.

The high schools will lose £800,000 a year between them. Eaton Bank alone will face losses of £300,000 over three years. Headteacher Ed O’Neill says this would be “deeply damaging” and

“the removal of the educational services grant…and the NAO-calculated pressures mean that total savings of 12% will have to be found.”

Richard Middlebrook, head of Alsager High, who was nominated for headteacher of the year and is a national leader of education, says that the only way to survive would be to open for only four days a week, narrow the curriculum or close the sixth form—all completely implausible.

Dennis Oliver, headteacher of Holmes Chapel High, also a national leader of education, is looking at the removal of all teaching assistant posts, or the loss of all technicians, or the loss of eight non-viable sixth-form groups, or removing heating and lighting for a year or removing general resources for children, such as paper and books. John Leigh, head at Sandbach High and a long-established Ofsted inspector, tells me he risks losing his school’s “outstanding” status. He now has a £200,000 deficit as a result of lagged funding, due to new housing in Sandbach. He believes that the only feasible way to run the school would be to remove the rich programme of extracurricular activities, reduce the curriculum offer and/or reduce the number of sixth-form classes. He is already teaching 12 hours of maths a week himself to help balance the budget.

Sarah Burns, headteacher at Sandbach Boys School, has calculated that losing the entire music, art, business studies or geography departments could achieve the reductions, but that is simply not possible for a school that is a regional leader in music and the creative arts. She is concerned about the recruitment and retention of key staff while managing a reduction of 2.9% and she calculates it will actually be 5%, taking other factors into account.

David Hermitt, chief executive officer of Congleton Multi-Academy Trust, of which I am a patron, is facing a reduction of 2.4% at Congleton High, but he tells me that in addition he has been educating over 50 children every year for free for the last three years due to the increased housing nearby, equating to over £200,000 per year of missing funding in each of the last three years. This has depleted healthy reserves. He says the school has made every cut it can to ensure that it has a balanced budget. He says that,

“we have increased average class sizes, removed some subjects from our post 16 provision, increased contact time for teachers and reduced the amount spent on books and computer equipment.”

I am proud to be patron for this well-run multi-academy trust, which is already helping to drive down back-office costs for the three schools in the trust by providing central services of finance and human resources.

Middlewich High faces even deeper reductions as a result of the change in funding for children with special educational needs and disabilities, for which it has a dedicated unit. It is a lead school for emotional health, and Members may recall that during Prime Minister’s questions recently, I drew attention to its outstanding work with the most vulnerable students and families. However, Keith Simpson, its headteacher, has said,

“as Head I have no option but to reduce staffing from this area in order to meet a minimum number of teachers to provide a curriculum.”

He added:

“This is alongside the shortfall in SEND funding for schools that maintain a truly inclusive intake. This short-term view will only store up problems for society and other services in the long term. I feel that the holistic support for children and families is being sacrificed and has no educational value in raising standards for our most vulnerable students.”

Those headteachers, whom I know well, are utterly dedicated and professional, but the concerns that I have expressed on their behalf today have been increasing for several years. They have concluded that the proposed national fairer funding formula is not fit for purpose, certainly in Cheshire East. They are asking the Government to go back to the drawing board after listening to the outcome of the current consultation, and I am asking for the concerns that I have expressed today to be included in that consultation. I hope that the Deputy Leader of the House will refer them to the Schools Minister, and will convey my request for an early meeting with him to which those headteachers will travel at short notice; and I hope that the Schools Minister will not just hear but act, by reviewing the impact of the new funding formula on the schools in my constituency. Without such a review, there will be grave implications for the education and life chances of the children about whom those headteachers care so deeply.

I wish you, Mr Speaker, and all Members in the Chamber a happy and restful Christmas.

Roberts Bakery

Fiona Bruce MP attends gathering of family businesses in Parliament with Mike Roberts of Roberts Bakery.

Fiona Bruce MP attended the annual gathering of family business representatives in Parliament, organised by the All Party Parliamentary Group for Family Business of which Fiona Bruce MP is a member. This event brings together the Family Business sector and members of Parliament to promote the valuable contribution family run businesses make to society and the economy.

It is little recognised that family businesses employ almost 12 million people across the country and in the North West alone there are over 450,000 family businesses, one of which is long standing bakery, Roberts Bakery, which began as a grocers in 1887 and which now makes over 3.5 million loaves of bread, bread rolls and teacakes each week, still in Cheshire.

Fiona Bruce saidFamily businesses make a strong contribution to our economy, providing as they do, stable employment for many people, and working, not just for the short term, but for decades, and even generations. They often also make a considerable contribution to local community life Frank Roberts and Sons Ltd, trading as Roberts Bakery, which has baked high quality bread here in Cheshire for over 125 years, is an outstanding example of all of this – so it is always a delight to welcome Mike Roberts, Deputy Chairman of Frank Roberts and Sons Ltd, who is a long standing Governor of Sandbach Boys School, to this important annual event in Westminster.”

Tuesday 3 January 2017

Ivory Trade

Fiona Bruce MP speaks out against Ivory Trade


Fiona Bruce spoke out in Parliament recently, along with MP colleagues from the International Development Select Committee, against the ivory trade and the killing of elephants – full speech below.



Thank you, Mrs Main.

On 24 September 2016, the third annual global march for elephants and rhinos took place, with people from 140 cities worldwide uniting to call for a ban on the trade in ivory and horn, and to demand that action be taken to end the irretrievable damage caused by the acquisition and trade of ivory. I commend the hon. Member for Stafford (Jeremy Lefroy) for securing the debate and support him in his call for Members to recognise the irrevocable damage that will be caused both to elephant species and to individuals’ livelihoods if action is not taken.

I particularly commend the excellent speech by my hon. Friend the Member for Mid Derbyshire (Pauline Latham). She articulated so well how a near-total ban on ivory trade is the way ahead. I very much support such a ban and, as I say, she expressed very well how an ​“intelligent” differentiation can be made, to use the word of my hon. Friend the Member for Kensington (Victoria Borwick), between museum pieces and genuine antique objects and other ivory, so that we can not only ensure that there is that distinction but at the same time put an end to and cut off the source of funding for the brutal killers who are poaching elephants in Africa and elsewhere.

As my hon. Friend the Member for Mid Derbyshire mentioned, a survey on elephants in August 2016—the great elephant census—showed the severe fall in the number of African elephants. The figures that have been mentioned in the debate vary, but it is clear that there has been a severe decline. If the current level of poaching in Africa continues, elephants could be all but extinct by 2030, and certain species will experience an extreme decline even earlier. For example, the African forest elephant has declined by 65% since 2002, giving it only another decade before extinction. The gravity of the need to act on the ivory trade is undeniable.

However, the different species of African elephants are not the only victims of the ivory trade. I saw that on a visit to Tanzania about two years ago, when I was privileged to be invited to go on a safari. We saw many, many animals, but we saw no elephants, and the guide explained to us that the decline in elephants was a serious deterrent to tourists visiting the area, which would have an increasing impact on the jobs and livelihoods of the people living in that area unless something was done.

Those of us on the International Development Committee —including my hon. Friends the Members for Stafford and for Mid Derbyshire, and others who are here today—know that this is a critical issue to be addressed in Africa today, particularly for the younger generation. I particularly ask that the Department for International Development considers whether there is more that it could do to support those dealing with this issue in the countries in which we are spending UK aid.

The responsibility that Britain must take in tackling the ivory trade cannot be ignored. The domestic market means that there is a transition point in the UK for the trading of ivory, with import and re-export occurring. Between 2009 and 2014, 40% of seizures by the UK Border Force were of ivory items.

There has been some progress. I am pleased to see the Government’s commitment to doubling their £13 million investment to tackle the illegal ivory trade and the endeavour to train a British military anti-poaching force. Those are bold and leading measures to tackle the problem, but more must be done. I join other Members in asking the Government to take further steps to close the ivory market, in order to rid Britain of the status of a transitionary market for the trade of ivory, and to impose a near-total ivory ban.

In recent years, international collaboration has been very encouraging. I welcome the announcements by the USA and China within the past year regarding the banning of the ivory trade, and more recently the announcements by Hong Kong and France. I urge the Government to join that international movement and to recognise the urgency of action on the ivory trade. Without a near-total ban on the ivory trade in the UK, we will neglect not only to counteract the rapid decline of African elephants but to support the livelihoods of many people in developing countries who have been ​crippled by the ivory market. It would be to the shame of our country, and indeed our Government, if we lagged behind other countries that are currently taking a lead on tackling this issue.