Friday 26 June 2015

Falling Unemployment

Fiona Bruce MP: falling unemployment means a more secure future for families in my constituency

Fiona Bruce has welcomed new figures showing since 2010 the number of people in Congleton Constituency claiming Jobseeker’s Allowance and Universal Credit while not in employment fell by 806 claimants - a 62 per cent drop.

This means more people in work, with the security of a good job and a regular pay packet so they can provide for themselves and their families.

People are getting off benefits and into work across the North West with more people in work since the last Labour Government. Across the UK, there are 2 million more people at work than at the end of thirteen years of a Labour Government.

Fiona said:

‘It’s great news that over the last five years the number people of people relying on Jobseeker’s Allowance and Universal Credit while out of work here in this constituency has fallen by 62%.

‘That means more families with the security and stability of a regular pay packet – with good jobs being created by local businesses. And in a further boost for families financial security we’ve also seen the highest real wage rises in seven years over the last year.

‘This is down to the hard work and the determination of people here, as well as the Conservatives’ strong leadership and clear economic plan. As a Government for working people we’re committed to go further, as we work towards a Britain of full employment, which offers working people security at every stage of their life.’

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Beartown Tap Fest

Beartown Tap Fest Events:

Friday 26th June 8pm

Saturday 27th June

Monday 22 June 2015

Middlewich Fab Festival

at Middlewich 's tremendous 25th FAB  Festival weekend

Fiona Bruce MP with the  inspirational Janet Chisholm of Middlewich Clean Team at the Fab Festival weekend

Fiona Bruce MP at the amazing Labyrinth at St Michael's Church Middlewich on the FAB weekend 

Friday 19 June 2015

Magna Carta Celebration Week

During Magna Carta celebration week, Fiona Bruce MP presents Flag 2015 Project to its young designers at The Quinta

Fiona Bruce MP visited The Quinta Primary School in Congleton today to present their flag, designed by pupils, for the Flag 2015 Project at the Houses of Parliament, part of the celebration of the anniversary of the 1295 Montfort Parliament when the counties of our country came together for the first time.

The flag, which flew in Parliament Square for the duration of the project, is one of only 80 flags designed by schools representing their county.

Fiona Bruce MP saidI am so pleased to be able to present this flag to Quinta. It is an exceptional design and the school can be proud of this huge achievement.”

National Care Home Open Day

Congleton MP and Mayor visit Greengables Care Home

Congleton MP Fiona Bruce and Congleton Town Mayor Liz Wardlaw visited Greengables Care Home Congleton to help residents and staff there celebrate National Care Home Open Day (today).

A hanging basket competition was held – many residents having planted hanging baskets earlier in the spring – and the winner was Agnes Sandbach.

Monday 15 June 2015

Scholar Green Post Box

Delay in opening post box “Inexplicable” says Fiona Bruce MP

Fiona Bruce MP has contacted Royal Mail about the lengthy delay in opening the post box in Scholar Green which she and residents campaigned for earlier this year.

Fiona Bruce said “Residents were delighted when the post box as put in place, but there has now been an inexplicable delay of almost a month during which time it has been taped up! I have contacted Royal Mail at a most senior level to ask for the box to be opened without further delay so that residents, particularly those who are elderly and find it difficult, will no longer have a lengthy steep walk to undertake, simply to post a letter.”

Wednesday 10 June 2015

Fiona Bruce MP visits Cledford House in Carers Week

Fiona Bruce MP visits Cledford House in Carers Week

Fiona Bruce MP visited Cledford House, Cledford Lane, Middlewich for their open day last week to meet with residents and carers for a tour and afternoon tea.

Cledford House is one of Cheshire’s newest and friendliest homes offering residential and respite provision to adults with learning disabilities.

Following her visit Fiona Bruce said “I was extremely impressed with the quality of the accommodation offered at Cledford House which is clearly the result of a huge amount of thoughtful planning -and hard work!"

The visit comes as national Carers Week (8-14 June) approaches, the theme of which is ‘Carer Friendly Communities’. ‘Carer Friendly Communities’ are aware of the indispensable part played by unpaid carers and encourage everyone, individuals, businesses, public services to make life better for carers. One in eight people are likely to be a carer and every day 6000 people take on new caring responsibilities and the aim of Carers Week is to raise awareness of these unpaid, invaluable carers.

Fiona said “I was pleased to be able to visit Cledford House as part of Carer’s Week because it is a place embodying the spirit of a ‘Carer Friendly Community’.

Tuesday 9 June 2015

Fiona Bruce MP responds to news of proposed Private Members Bill on Assisted Suicide

Fiona Bruce MP responds to news of proposed Private Members Bill on Assisted Suicide

Following today’s announcement that Rob Marris MP for Wolverhampton South West will bring forward a Private Members Bill Ballot in an attempt to overturn the ban on Assisted Suicide, Fiona Bruce, Chair of the Parliamentary All Party Pro-Life Group said today:

“I am confident that Members of Parliament will vigorously oppose and reject efforts to legalise Assisted Suicide, as was clearly shown to be the case the last time this was debated at length in the House of Commons, in 2012.
Such proposals threaten the lives of the frail, elderly and disabled, as evidence from other countries shows, where many choose to take lethal drugs or a lethal injection because they see themselves as an unwanted burden.

What is needed is in such circumstances is care, practical help and support, both for the individual – in what is often the most vulnerable of situations – as well as for their family and friends.

Britain leads the world in palliative care, and this Bill will give an opportunity to press for this to be even better – that will be the most compassionate response to this Bill.”

In 2012, Fiona Bruce led a group of MPs who effectively challenged the effort by the then MP for Croydon South, Richard Ottaway, to test the will of the House of Commons to change the law on Assisted Suicide then.

Speaking at the time Fiona Bruce MP saidWe are delighted that the House has sent such a clear message that improving specialist palliative and hospice care is a priority and that assisted suicide is not the route we wish to take as a society.”

Fiona Bruce added today:
“What we should be focussing on is the wonderful pioneering work in palliative care and dying well being undertaken by organisations such as St Luke's Hospice in Cheshire, helping people to support family members and friends to pass away in a peaceful, loving and caring environment.

How to best support those we love to have a "good death " at home and in our local communities is something  we can  all learn more about and is the best antidote to travelling abroad to an impersonal foreign clinic. It is a tragedy that so much publicity has been given to the Dignitas Clinic in Switzerland which portrays in such a negative way the doctor patient relationship. I do not believe that such clinics are the way forward here, nor what people want. A lethal injection is no substitute for a good death where pain is alleviated and the best possible care provided. No one should feel they are a burden or that they have a duty to die."

The proposals to be brought forward by Rob Marris MP would allow patients thought to have no more than 6 months to live and who have demonstrated a ‘clear and settled intention’ to end their lives to be prescribed a lethal dose of drugs on the authority of two doctors.

The last time this was debated in the House of Commons 27th March 2012 where MPs rejected an amendment to change the law and approved Fiona Bruce’s amendment for greater emphasis on palliative care –

Photo shows Fiona Bruce, Vice President of St Luke’s (Cheshire) Hospice, with (right) Siobhan Horton, Director of Clinical Services and (left) Rachel Zammit, Head of Public Health and Wellbeing, The End of Life Partnership

Friday 5 June 2015

Fiona Bruce MP challenges Government to support families more

Fiona Bruce MP challenges Government to support families more

In her speech in the debate on the Queen’s Speech in the House of Commons this week Fiona Bruce argued that much more support needs to be given to addressing family life by the Government.

Commenting after the debate Fiona Bruce said “Family and community life is particularly strong in the Congleton community but this is not so in many parts of the country. The UK’s family breakdown statistics are sadly far higher than in many other developed countries. Indeed, one of the saddest statistics I have heard is that a teenage boy in this country today is more likely to have a smartphone than a Father at home. We must do something about this.

Government now accepts that it is a right responsibility for it to lead on promoting our physical well-being – through exercise and healthy eating for example – and should equally help equip people to develop and maintain healthy relationships which are equally important for our well-being.”

The full text of Fiona Bruce’s speech is below and can be accessed at