Tuesday 24 September 2013

Financial Education in the National Curriculum

Fiona Bruce MP Celebrates Success for Campaign for Financial Education in the Curriculum

Fiona Bruce MP, Vice Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Financial Education for Young People, played a key part in the latest real achievement for the group. The Department for Education recently announced that the revised National Curriculum which will be implemented in all maintained schools in England from September 2014 will include Financial Education in mathematics and citizenship, making the topic statutory for the first time.
The announcement comes following a public consultation into the possibility conducted earlier this year, following a detailed Inquiry into Financial Education for Young People held by the All Party Group and presented to the Prime Minister. This announcement is a culmination of more than a year’s work and is a huge victory for the campaign.
 Fiona Bruce MP said “This is such a success for the campaign and I am sure that this will make a really positive impact on the futures of our young people. Generations of young people will now gain the knowledge and skills they need to be able to manage their finances. This will make a real and lasting difference to their home and business lives individually and to the financial capability of our country overall.”
In Citizenship, 11 – 16 year olds will learn the functions and uses of money, the importance and practice of budgeting, credit and debit, insurance, savings and pensions and how public money is raised and spent. In maths, there is a renewed emphasis on financial mathematics enabling young people to calculate interest rates and the actual cost of borrowing.

Monday 2 September 2013

Statement on Syria Vote

I voted with my conscience and, I believe, having listened to them on this subject, with very many of my constituents. I would like to thank those constituents who took the trouble to e-mail or call me with their views; from these I knew that there is absolutely no appetite for British military action in Syria. I also listened carefully to the debate in the House, but there were too many unanswered questions – What does a good outcome look like and how can it be achieved? What is the risk of collateral damage? What is the risk of the conflict escalating across an even wider region?
We simply do not know what repercussions may result from a military intervention in Syria – and I do not want to see our servicemen and women drawn into another Iraq or Afghanistan.
We are not ‘standing idly by’ whilst people suffer in Syria – we have provided over £300m of humanitarian aid and this is continuing – that I fully support.”

Fiona Bruce MP visits 3L Care

Fiona Bruce MP meets not for profit organisation 3L Care helping young people with mental health problems

3L Care is a not for profit community company which provides respite, day and residential care at their care home in Winsford for young people and adults aged 16 and over who have complex mental health needs.
3L Care have recently launched the Live Love Laugh Charitable Trust and are holding a Nursing Care Open Day on 2nd September 2013 12pm-3pm at Chapel Road, Winsford, CW7 3AD, to which everyone is invited to attend to learn of the excellent and crucial work that they carry out.
Fiona Bruce, who recently met with members of the dedicated 3L Care staff said:
“I commend 3L Care for providing this much needed complex care in our local community and the dedication of this specialised nursing staff who support the families of those who need care. I hope that the Open Day on 2nd September will provide an opportunity for many more people to witness 3L Care’s work.”