Wednesday 21 March 2012

Inland Waterways Association Parliamentarian of the Year

Fiona Bruce MP wins Parliamentary Award

Fiona Bruce MP was presented with the Inland Waterways Association (IWA) Parliamentarian of the Year Award on Tuesday this week in the House of Commons.
Fiona said “I was delighted, but even more, utterly surprised, to win this award.”
As Treasurer of the Parliamentary Waterways Group, Fiona Bruce MP challenged in Parliament the funding provision and potential pension liabilities which the new Canals and Rivers Trust would inherit, when it takes over running and maintaining our canals from British Waterways in a few months time. In addition to raising questions with Ministers and challenging them to improve future funding provision, she also cross examined the British Waterways and Canal and River Trustees at some length at a Parliamentary hearing of the Waterways Group on the proposed plans.
This week Fiona said “I am very pleased that as a result of the hard work of many people in Parliament and outside, including members of the IWA, the Government has substantially increased future funding for our waterways. This is a particularly important subject for me as so many boaters and walkers enjoy their leisure time on and around the canals in my constituency and our local waterways are a key part of what makes it so attractive – it’s important to keep them that way.”
The funding the Government proposed originally was £390 million over ten years and will now be the considerably improved sum of around £800 million over fifteen years.
Fiona Bruce became a member of the IWA as part of her campaigning on this issue and is Vice President of the Macclesfield Canal Society.

Friday 9 March 2012

Women's World Day of Prayer

Women’s World Day of Prayer Event in Congleton

This year’s Women’s World Day of Prayer Event took place at St Mary’s Church Congleton.

Jean Cook, Chairperson of the Congleton WWDP said
The first Friday in March   is a very special day for Christians world wide. All round the world, during the 24 hours that the sun takes to encircle the earth, groups of Christians assemble to worship God, and every service has exactly the same format.The words of the well  known hymn “The day Thou gavest” are re-enacted.  “As o’er each continent and island the dawn leads on another day, the voice of prayer is never silent, nor dies the strain of praise away. The sun that bids us rest is waking our friends beneath the western sky, and hour by hour fresh lips are making Thy wondreous doings heard on high.”
This ‘Mexican Wave’ of identical praise  encircles the whole world, and includes over 170 countries.  In the British Isles alone there will be over 6,000 services
This amazing event is organised by the Women’s World Day of Prayer. It is organised by women but is for  all Christians.
Here in Congleton, a group of women from all denominations organise the service  which takes place in a different Church each year. This year (2012) the venue was the St Mary’s Roman Catholic Church and the service ,which had been written by the women of Indonesia was entitled “Let Justice Prevail.””

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Music Classes for Babies

Fiona Bruce MP supports free music and movement classes for babies

Fiona Bruce MP is calling on Congleton constituents to utilise the 6 free music and movement lessons for babies under 6 months currently being offered by Jo Jingles East Cheshire.
Run by local resident Alison Wright, Jo Jingles East Cheshire operates across the Congleton constituency, providing music, singing and movement classes for babies and pre-school children to aid their early development.
Fiona Bruce said:
"It is widely recognised by healthcare and educational experts that exposing a baby to music is one of the most effective ways to aid their early development and I encourage parents and carers across the constituency to experience the tangible benefits of music, singing and movement for babies."

Alison Wright said:
"Most of us instinctively understand that our children react positively to songs, but what we may not fully appreciate is how those endless repetitions of "Twinkle Twinkle" are a fundamental part of our babies mental, physical and social development helping our children to "wire up" their brains, develop their speech and improve their coordination."

Alison continued:
"Parents and carers can benefit too - it is believed that musicians are less likely to suffer from senile dementia!".
Jo Jingles baby classes usually last 30 minutes and aim to develop a love of music in babies whilst having interactive fun.

For more information visit or contact Alison on 01477 535124.